Closh - a bash and clojure hybrid


Today's spotlight is for Closh - a bash-like shell based on Clojure (as the repo says). It's basically a shell where you can mix Bash and Clojure code and evaluate it in the same place.

Why, you ask? Well, some operations you do in your everyday terminal work can be made a lot more pleasant with Clojure code, since Clojure has a rich standard library of functions for data processing and working with lines, basically. Also, it's a hell of a lot more simple than bash to understand (once you get over all the (parentheses)). It's also easier to do scripting since Clojure is a full-fledged programming language with sensible rules to it (bash is also a programming language, of course, but in no way is it sensible).

Here's some examples (you can see more in the repository):


ls -a | grep "^\\."

Closh / clojure

ls -a |> (filter #(re-find #"^\." %))

Math with Bash

echo '(1 + sqrt(5))/2' | bc -l

Math with Clojure

(/ (+ 1 (Math.sqrt 5)) 2)

You can also use Closh to call shell commands and do shell scripting. Your shell scripts are basically clojure programs, and this comes with all the goodies of the JVM ecosystem.

I also find it a great way to learn and practice a bit of Clojure, which i've been doing anyway.
