The law of attraction is conciously exploiting our brain's ability to focus


We usually plan to prevent catastrophe. We focus on the things we don't like. And the things we focus on are those we end up attracting in our lives. We create emotional connections with what we're thinking about. Most times these thoughts are negative, it's the way our brain works. It's like we're pulling something negative towards us, our thoughts generate the action and it is drawn to us. Our actions are based on the negative. We think about it so much that we actually do the stuff that leads up to these scenarios that we imagine all the time.

That said, how about we use this ability of the brain to try and attract positive things with positive thoughts? This is like a positive side of worry - let's "worry" about the positive stuff, e.g. think about them as happening to us in the same way we think about the negative ones. The answer to the question "What if?" in a positive light. After all, everything has an opposite.

This, however, is unnatural to us and our brain, which is programmed to react defensively and always picture, as mentioned before, the catastrophes. We have to do it consciously.

So how to exploit this ability of our brains? We can strive to have positive visions of what we want to create. We create our own picture of how things will be better. Our thoughts will attract the things in the same way that the negative ones do. We should strive to think about the things we want, not about those we don't. Creating a positive vision of our lives, we focus on the things we want, not the things we don't have.

It takes a lot of effort to condition our subconscious through the conscious. So this isn't something that happens instantly, but rather it's a long and focused effort to shape our minds. But it's worth it, if only to create a more positive outlook on life and the way you react to what happens to you on a day to day basis.

In the end, you have nothing to lose. A negative thought can only cause you pain, whilst a positive one has the potential to bring you everything. As long as you know what it is and can picture it in your head.


The Law of Attraction